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"It's really concise, comprehensive, and shows the full complexity [of book publishing] without being overwhelming." 

- Arvid Kahl



Have you ever found yourself thinking: "I could write an entire book about this topic"? If you are passionate enough about a topic, want to help others, and are willing to dedicate the time to developing an idea and writing a draft, you can publish a book!


The Developer's Guide to Book Publishing makes publishing a book an attainable goal. You'll learn about the tech publishing landscape and the considerations all would-be authors need to keep in mind to go from ideation to getting published. 


This eBook will help you understand:


📝 The importance of market research before you pitch your book

📝How traditional tech publishing works, and what publishers look for

📝How to self publish a book (end-to-end: from finding an e-commerce platform, determining your book's price, picking formats, self-editing, self-designing, or creating a team to do those things)

📝How to promote your book (with the help of a traditional publisher or on your own if you're self-publishing)


The Developer's Guide to Book Publishing includes a list of real-world examples, resources, and tools to help future authors get started on the path to getting published.


I used the concepts outlined in this book to successfully self-publish my first book, The Developer's Guide to Content Creation.



Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1: The Pre-Work Stage
  • Chapter 2: Intro to Traditional Tech publishing
  • Chapter 3: Getting a Book Deal
  • Chapter 4: Intro to Self-Publishing
  • Chapter 5: Planning Your Book Release
  • Chapter 6: Promoting Your Book
  • Epilogue and Resources


Note: eBook is sold as a PDF. All sales are final.

The Developer's Guide to Book Publishing

  • The Developer's Guide to Book Publishing eBook (PDF file)

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