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Stephanie Morillo
4 min read
Why NPS Isn't a Useful Metric
NPS can be tempting because of its pervasiveness, but it doesn't help you learn about your customers.
Stephanie Morillo
7 min read
An Introduction to SEO for Developers
What is SEO and why should software developers care? In this comprehensive article, I describe what SEO is and how it impacts findability.
Stephanie Morillo
4 min read
UX Design is More Than Visual Design
You'll learn what UX design is and how it differs from visual design or graphic design.
Stephanie Morillo
3 min read
How Library Science Helped Me Understand Databases
Introducing knowledge organization structures My first interaction with a database was when I was learning web development with Rails....
Stephanie Morillo
6 min read
Naming Things is Hard But We Still Have to Try
Naming things is jokingly referred to as one of the hardest problems to solve in computer science, but we still have to make an effort.
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